Can your data-management system be sung to the tune of “The Twelve Days of Christmas”?
(Sample verses: 12 Excel spreadsheets, six random business cards and one very frustrated staff.)
Whistle a happier tune with Downtown Diva’s database solutions for Main Streets and BIDs.

Get control of your data. No Valium required. 

Call us: (617) 548-6330

Database Solutions

Comprehensive, customizable, user-friendly database templates for downtowns of all sizes. Database development for non-profits and businesses.

Program Start-Up & Evaluation

Incorporation, bylaws, financial systems, district inventory and more. Evaluation and coaching of existing organizations.

Marketing & Publications

Newsletter, web, brochure, annual report content and more. Grant proposals. Copyediting of materials you generate yourself.

Constant Contact

Email-marketing solution with professional, mobile-responsive templates, robust reporting, and other tools to expand your audience.

Why choose Downtown Diva?

With years of experience in downtown- and non-profit-management, Downtown Diva brings administrative, programming, community-organizing and editorial expertise to your projects. Plus, we’re fun to work with!